Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Say Cheese! Goodbye Stuff!

I miss my (tiny) house! 

We are all in Shakopee at the Big House (haha, that was fun) getting it ready to sell and the Tiny House is waiting for us and a new heater.  We’re praying that it turns out amazing!  There were some kinks with the heater originally purchased (it just won’t be able to keep up with the cold of a Minnesota winter) and we’re hoping, hoping, hoping! for a tiny wood burning stove!  I’m praying we’ll get it and I’ll tell you all about it!

So we’re back at the Big House until we can hitch up and move the Tiny one. 
And it is a MESS! 

During the little bit of time spent in the Tiny House, it became incredibly evident that the BEST PART of tiny living is clean up time and ease.  I love it! 

It doesn’t even compare.  In this big house I.Am.Swamped.  We don’t even have that much stuff anymore!  And yet, somehow, stuff is everywhere!  
As we pack/give/toss what remains, the last little decisions are getting a bit challenging.  It’s not your normal move where you can say, “Eh, just box it up and we’ll figure it out later.”  NOPE.  I have to figure it out now.

For some reason, letting go of a box of a thousand pencils is more challenging than giving up my wedding dress.  Actually, I think I’ve had that box of worthless pencils for longer than I’ve had the wedding dress!  Lol! 

My goal is to just say goodbye! 
And sometimes take picture.  I can fit thousands of pictures easier than I can fit thousands of pencils!

Goodbye pencils!
Goodbye bin of mismatched socks! 
Goodbye stack of magazines that I was planning on reading later!
Goodbye weird, old art!

Goodbye sweet vintage martini set that I won! Someone else can keep you on the shelf and hope you don't break! It's been fun!

Goodbye huge mess! 
Goodbye sweeping and mopping 1900 square feet! 
Goodbye boxes of stored stuff we'll never use!
Goodbye "just in case" junk! Like nylons!  Ha!  Adios!
Goodbye clutter! 
Goodbye mortgage! 
Goodbye property tax! 
Goodbye huge utility bills! 


Tiny House, we’ll reunite supersoon! 


  1. Sweet post, Kim! My God bless your next phase of truly moving out -- and moving in!
