Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Tiny House Nation Commercial!

So fun! So fun! So fun! 
We're the Season Finale!  Didn't know that until we saw the commercial.  Cool news!

Concerning the Tiny House I am 100% happy, content, excited, and giddy that it's ours and we live in it!

When concerning the show?  I'm really excited.  98% of the time.  I laugh every time I watch the commercial!  To me - it's hysterical.  Geez, do our kids run the house?  Lol, the majority of the toys in that room already had a destination, and it was not the Tiny House. 

The other 2%.  Man, I'm nervous.  What will they use?  How will they edit?  What will be spliced together and taken out of context?  Honestly, there was so much interviewing and talking that I can't even recall what I said.  They have some weird strategy that ultimately causes you to walk away from an interview thinking, "What did I just say?"  And you truly can't recall.  Total blur. 

They must have one of those "Men in Black" memory eraser things or something. 

I'm sure it's just a feeling of not being in control.  And I remind myself that I asked God to take control of all of this, editing included.  And to use us for His purpose and glory. 

So no matter what happens!  No matter how embarrassed I am after this!  I'm just trusting that whatever it is, it somehow serves, helps, inspires, assures, affirms, someone (maybe thousands of someones?) in a way that was truly needed.  That's the prayer. 

I can handle being embarrassed.  I'm really not someone who gets easily embarrassed anyway. 

In a facebook post about my deteriorating lap swimsuits and the decision to either spend $$ to keep buying new ones or just layer them I was expressing concern about looking crazy-bizarro wearing a bunch of knotted up swimsuits at the Y.  My friend, Kathy Dehn, said, "Since when do you care about what people think?"  SHE'S RIGHT!  I never, ever have cared what people think.  When I feel that judgy feeling creeping in, Kathy's voice kicks in.  Thank you, Kathy, for knowing me and reminding me!

Thus far, my most embarrassing moment involves me laughing so hard that I threw up, only to find out many minutes later that I also peed my pants while laughing and puking.  Very gross.  Very embarrassing. (That is the epitome of "long story short.")

So what do you think?  If this show trumps that Most Embarrassing Moment... then geez.  I can live the rest of my life peacefully knowing that any embarrassing thing that could happen will just rolllll off my shoulder. :)

So watch and laugh.  I'm sure there will be a pretty good amount of reality in it; we are real people, speaking our real hearts, really living in a tiny house. 
Just also... look at it as a comedy. :) 

That's my plan anyway! 


  1. Kim, I LOVED your Tiny House Nation episode! :) I watched it on the computer last night and was so SO inspired! Your family is so sweet and I am so happy for you all. I love how great of a Mother you are. And I love Ryan and your drive to continue raising your children to know God's love for them. You are an inspiration!! :) And the kids are adorable!!

    1. Jamie! Thank you so, so much! Speaking of Mothers, Jamie Lee, :) YOU are doing incredible things for your children! <3 I'm glad you enjoyed the episode! I think our little people would love an afternoon of playing in the loft! Fun Fun! Thank you for your sweetness! xo

  2. Kim, my wife Brittany and I just watched your episode on Tiny House Nation. The second we heard that you eat all organic, unprocessed food we were like "hey, that sounds like us." Then, when talking about building, you said that you do not want ANY toxic materials whatsoever in your house and once again we were like "Hey, THAT IS US!" Then we saw your website and saw how you all are striving to give God glory in all things we told ourselves that we need to make contact with you. If you would be willing we would like to talk further with you about your build process and what you learned, used, had issues with that we can use to help with our own tiny house build. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Take care and God bless!

    1. So cool, Ron! Pretty cool that our priorities match up like that!
      If you have specific questions throw them down right here! I'd love to answer :) I have a list of questions and I'm tackling each one right here on the blog so we can all share the info. :)
      God Bless you guys, too! And your Tiny House journey!

    2. I guess if you do not mind we can start a dialogue. We are currently looking at insulation and we are thinking about either hemp or sheep's wool. We saw that you all had some sort of different insulation. Can you speak to that?
